18 Oct 2023

Situation 2

"I like online games and spend all my spare time playing on the computer and phone. I even prefer playing over going out with family or friends. My parents are all time telling me to organize better my time but I think it is my hobby and does no harm on me…. What do you think and why…."


It's good to play games and entretain yourself but you have to know when to stop. It's not healthy play games all day, you can produce an addiction that is going to make you play without a break. You have to go out with your friends and family or make a sport, you have to socialise and don't  be in front of a screen many  hours. You can't let go your responsabilities.

Play games is something good but you  have  to organise your time and dedicate time for your family and friends

Video game addiction is defined as the steady and repetitive use of the Internet to play games frequently with different gamers, potentially leading to negative consequences in many aspects of life

Links about this problem:

Tips to avoid this problem:

Tip 1: You can put alarms to know when to stop, for example you can put an alarm every 2 hours with breaks of one hour

Tip 2: You can get into a sport or a extracolar activity, so you will have to organise your time

Tip 3: You can make a schedule, for example, the mondays, wednesdays and fridays you can play but the rest of the days no

Tip 4: You can use it like a recompensation, if you get a good grade or you do something good you will play

Tip 5: Every day you are going to do your obligations and important things and when you finish you can play

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